Nigel and Dave bring you their own unique brand of British shenanigans and an ever broadening spectrum of hits from the British Empire and Beyond, They Are The British and will be Invading the Ears of the World
Tunes from…1970 up to the present
This is where it all started for Sir Nigel Hart and his “Fearless” Sidekick Dave James, with their pair of helpers “The Boys Behind The Glass” (who help get the show on the air, and often end up playing the odd practical joke on Nigel and Dave).
It started as a show where they would play hits from the former British Empire or ones that featured an artist from one of those countries,
Then they had the tales of Travelling Matt, who started visiting the former British colonies, starting in New Zealand and working his way West, he soon maxed out the company credit card and handed over to his Twin Sister Sophie who completed the trips and had a great time doing so.
Since the rebirth of “The Surf”, the British invasion has evolved a bit and now Nigel and Dave play music from non British artists and have an appearance from Sophie from time to time